The best playground in the world

Well I am sure it undoubtedly the same for everyone that the Corona virus and certainly the lockdown element has made us realise how many things we would take for granted. This may just be the ease of access to somewhere, the activities we do, the people we see and for many how important the very people along side you, your family are everything.
Being able to get back out on to a place that has played such a monumental part of my childhood, my lifestyle and even shaping my work. To be back out on the water as often as we can whether its teaching my amazing 5 year old daughter to paddleboard or taking my awesome little dude of son for his first sailing experiences and spending time as a family. Exe SC just continues to deliver everything you could ever want, a stunning sailing environment (well thats a given), but the amazing people that are happy to help, stopping to chat, lending equipment and just love seeing you down at the club. Thank you to all that have played a part in this as it makes me understand how lucky I was as child to be brought up with this on my doorstep and now having the privilege to do the same with my children.
The best part of this is just going out and having fun, no sense of training, wanting to win anything just sheer passion and joy at the smiles that are glued to our faces. The feeling of escape the feeling living and enjoying every single moment of it. Just having fun, trying a new sport or a new boat is enough that without even knowing you will be learning so much and all delivered through fun. This is something that coaches, teachers, instructors all aim at putting into all sessions, sometimes we get it back on, sometimes not quite and other-times just out and out wrong. We learn from all of these and strive to re-inject or continue that feeling in every aspect of our coaching.
The time i have had with my family through these tough times (which they are in some way or another and different levels for everyone) has been something I will never forget and feel very grateful to have been able to do so and many have not been so lucky. Now the flood gates are open and we are spending as much time on or by the water in multiple craft seeing friends and family all doing the same. To everyone i have coached, met or still due to meet please just go out enjoy the amazing spaces around you, spend the time with the most important people in your life and just have fun. We will make it through this and I know for my family being on the water as often as possible is giving us the best fun and mental detachment from the worries of the world.
Stay safe, keep smiling and have fun.