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Future Goals

Sunday 22nd Novemeber finally came around and we were graced with bright sunshine a light 5 - 10 knot breeze and the whole of Torbay to be used. When I say we, I mean Team Griggs, Max, Cody and dad Nick. Max and Cody are 2 young guys getting into a 49er ealier then anyone else and of course have a mountain to climb due to this highly physical, and powerful nature of this olympic class.

They are certainly dertermined to gain as much knowledge as possible whiule jumping at any opportunity they can get to improve and work their way up to competiting in the UK fleets with a solid short / medium term goal of being selected for one of the squads.

The first day on the water provided myself an great foundation to where we need to focus our times, but also how to maximise and utilise the time through the winter along with the balance of other commitments such as school etc.

This is exciting times to be involved with this team at such early stages in their progress within this fleet and more so their sailing careers.

To check out more about the team and to keep up to date with their trainings, competitions and general news head to their facebook page on the link below:

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