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Project Speedbird

While at Act 4 of the Extreme Sailing Series in Cardiff, I managed to get numerous chances to chat face to face with Technical Director of Project Speedbird David Chisholm and learn more about the project.

It was a real eye opener to what goal Hannah White - (Global Brand Ambassordor for Land Rover), was setting as her next challenge. To be the fastest women over 1 nautical mile and beat the current record of just over 34 knots is going to be an amazing journey and one I will watch with great interest over the coming months.

If you get chance to see Speedbird, it is a stunning boat, designed on the concept of the International Moth, but is 18ft rather then 11ft and will also carry a much bigger rig. The single (very wide) wing to provide maximum leverage but also only being required on one side due to boat only needing to sail one direction.

The image shows myself interviewing David Chisholm on one of the days at Act 4 of ESS after Hannah had been on the water for a bit of practice and demonstarting the concept of the hydrofoil infront of big crowds as they lined the shore. I look forward to hearing how the development is going.

Image Credit Anthony Cullen - © Project Speedbird

Image Credit Anthony Cullen - © Project Speedbird

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